《織片分享- 來自Lanivendole 美麗又有趣的線材配色》
English below (not 100% translation)
@midori_hirose_knit さん發表了她最新的拉克蘭毛衣(raglan sweater) - White mountains sweater,這件設計不但有多種的領口樣式可以選擇,還使用不同品牌線材來呈現,一份織圖涵蓋8種組合,非常有趣,成品更是俐落又實穿,一推出便廣受世界各地織友的喜愛。
其中一款,Midori さん便是大玩 @lanivendole 的線材配色,創造出光與嵐的意象,甫發表就驚艷全場。
Lanivendole的線材是由兩位主理人,以她們在手紡、手染線的豐富經歷,精挑細選義大利當地的特色羊種,混合羊駝與毛海,創造出輕盈、蓬鬆、溫潤又柔軟的線材,加上她們的藝術眼光,親自設計調配、手染自家線材(超級厲害的),琳琅滿目的豐富色彩,不但可以單色編織,也非常適合colorwork ,這次經過Midori さん的創新,不同顏色組合的雙股編織,更是讓織友們發揮創意,創作個人獨一無二作品的首選。
近期Lanivendole 推出了非常多的新色,同時特別挑選了幾款織成了雙股雙色的織片,是不是非常美麗又讓人心動💓呢?
Lucid Islet Knit (@lucidislet_knit )也趁著她們推出新色之際,火速下訂,過一陣子就能在我們的官網選購囉☺️
Lucid Islet Knitting Labo 《小島編織・編織小島》 🛒
We've been swatching some colour combinations for #white_mountains_sweater by @midori_hirose_knit and even though March shop update will mostly be about the Twisty Chic we will have a big restock of all the sold out shades of A Chic Blend in sweater quantities to make your own White Mountains sweater.
The swatches we've made so far are from top L to R
• A Stormy Blend Ombra + A Chic Blend Marron Glacé
• A Stormy Blend Luce + A Chic Blend Pan di Zenzero
• A Stormy Blend Luce + Selva
and in my hands there's
• A Chic Blend Peonia + Pan di Zenzero
As you can see the combinations are endless and it's fun playing with colours..is there a combo in particular you'd like to see?
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